Monday, August 30, 2010

End of the Summer Weekend

We had a busy fun-filled weekend. Saturday, the 5 Thomason grandkids had a ball at the Loyola Alumni BBQ (see link above to pics) followed by an "end of summer" BBQ at Bill and Mary's. Teri & Brian moved in to their new house and we toasted to celebrate.

After swim lessons on Sunday morning, we headed to the Jonathan Club for a Members-only day. The theme was Monster trucks. They had a remote control race track, Cars-themed inflatable slide, bounce house and Monster Truck that was about 18" tall. Caoilin had a birthday party in the afternoon while Cael took a monster nap. We ended the weekend with takeout from Pitfire since the kids were a mess having played outside all day. Caoilin also had to hit the hay early becuase she started school today. She was so excited. That left time for Bobby and I to actually sit down and watch a movie. I can't remember the last time we did that.

Bobby and I are off to Michigan this weekend for the holiday. Can't wait!